Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The 48 Hour Film Project

Well, after a weekend of great fun, lotsa work, and a dose of sheer terror, the team assembled by Ryan Fuhrig and Ryan Covert (Astrosmash) managed to complete our entry for Pittsburgh's 48 Hour Film Project.

Of all the genres to randomly pull from the hat, the only one that I didn't want was HORROR.

So take a guess as to what we drew...

Anyway, I think I've come out the other side a better filmmaker for it. At least, I hope that I have. I've never liked horror films (there are exceptions: THE SHINING, PRINCE OF DARKNESS, THE THING, PSYCHO) and I only attempted one once (a long time ago as a kid, and it featured bloody donuts that didn't look very bloody...thus, the end of my horror filmmaking exploits) and had resigned myself to the fact that I would have no interest in trying to make one ever again.

Until this past weekend, that is...

So, I had an idea to base our film on an actual event that occurred not far from where I live. I had seen some of the other horror entries for past 48 Hour Projects, and they were all goofy and really not worth a damn. And I didn't want to do that...not at all. So I figured I would go with something so real and terrifying that it would have to work...because it really happened...

Wow...I couldn't have been more right...

I'd like to think that I've made a truly disturbing piece of work. Now, art, by its very nature, is subjective, and there will always be people who disagree. I'm sure that there are horror film buffs who will think that our effort is timid and hardly worth its salt. But I do know that, even after shooting it, cutting it, and going over it twenty times looking for technical flaws, there are scenes in the film that really bother me. It's actually hard for me to watch, and that fascinates me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely proud of the film and I think that it's incredibly effective. Everyone gave 150% and helped to get it done within the requirements and parameters of the contest. My actors gave amazing performances that help to sell the film, the effects are the best I've ever had, and the film looks really good. But the subject matter and what we attempt to depict are very difficult for me to understand and wrap my head around. And, to me anyway, the film is so good that it renders these horrifying events with such an authenticity that it creeps me the hell out.

So there's my two bits on my new film STILL. It'll be up for the world to see very premieres at the 48 Film Project Screening Tuesday, June 17th, in Carnegie, PA at 7 pm. If there's anyone around the Pittsburgh area, come out to the Carnegie Free Library and Music Hall and check out our film, as well as all of the other entrants for the 48 Hour Film Project. It will, at the very least, be interesting...


Date: Tuesday, June 17th and Wednesday, June 18th
Time: 7pm and 9:15pm each night!

Carnegie Free Library and Music Hall

300 Beechwood Avenue, Carnegie, PA 15106; Phone:(412)-276-9472
Notes: Tickets can be purchased at the door 1 hour before the first screening. Tickets will sell out, so be sure to get in line early!

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